These are some of the apps that I use in my classroom. These are also the most fun ones that the students picked...
Principles that I think might
be useful in Suriname School System
-1 Mind mapping: letting
students use this technique for easier receiving information to learn
-2 Kahoot: exercises and
interactive teaching kids how to use there tablet or phone useful
-3 Popplet: using this app is
very handy if you want to tell a story by mind mapping
-4 Toondoo: being creative and
also letting the students expressing there feelings by digital drawings
-5 YouTube using for
interactive visual learning
-6 Poll everywhere: taking
opinions in a use class at once or statistics, handy and live
Giving and Receiving feedback about how to setup and connect a router :
Personal Development Plan
I’m a driven person ones I put my mind to it.
I got a goal set and that’s to reach.
I could some times reache for to many goals at ones.
Maybe stubburn when I get overexcited.
Well,that I’m motivated when I start with a project and that “No” isn’t
a answer that I’m looking for if something is difficult. Finishing the job
positive is.
I could work on my timemanagement
I could work on my shedule (planning) to much isn’t good.
What is my desired state?
I would like to improve my ict awareness to make my
teaching easier and joyfuller for the kids.
I would like to learn more about apps or courses that
could be benefitional for students in Suriname. Eg. Math, Vocab etc.)
I hope to finisch this course to get a higher degree
so that I could take better care of my family.
1 Because by improving my awareness
is making life with ict easier for me as a teacher to teach.
2 By learning about more usefull apps,
students could work and do there homework in a playfull /creative way and maybe
even less expensive.
3 As I mentioned; getting this degree
means a lot for me and my family.
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